"about":"#giftagamer - A Numeracy Wizard Story","abstract":"Tiffany discusses giving the gift of a great mind with her mother.","audience":"Math, Game, Free, Gacha, Indie","name":"#giftagamer - A Numeracy Wizard Story","url":"https://www.brazenjester.com","image":"https://www.brazenjester.com/images/Brazen-Jester-Studios-Logo.jpg","keywords":"Numeracy Wizard, Brazen Jester Studios, Game, Free, Indie, Math, Maths, Numeracy, Gift, Gamer"}
#giftagamer – A Numeracy Wizard Story
Mom, can I give a gift to everyone this holiday season?
Sure Tiffany, what do you want to give them.
Mom, I hear if you teach someone to fish they can eat for life. If you give them a fish, they can eat for a day.
Tiff, that is a very common saying. It usually is accompanied by some non-polite saying.
Shhhh, Mom, we need to be polite. Someone taught me better.
Lol… Tiff you are right, that person is smart indeed. What do you want to give everyone?
I want to give small plastic bricks with pointy bits on the top.
Let’s not do that, parents can be the device of their own destruction there.
Okay, how about I teach everyone math.
Math, how do you plan on doing that.
I will tell everyone to download and install “Numeracy Wizard”. It is a math game for Android.
My daughter, Do you think a video game will teach everyone Math?
Nope, but it will teach them they do not know what they are doing in math, so when I become an accountant, they will think of me and I can do their taxes for them!! I get to remind them they had the chance to practice math when they were younger. They should have played “Numeracy Wizard”.
Okay, Tiff, I like your idea. But when you get to be an accountant, you are doing my taxes for free.
Mom, deal. I like math.
Numeracy Wizard is a Math skill-based gacha game empowering you practice your math skills, so maybe one day you too can save the world.
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