"about":"Avoiding the Downside - A Numeracy Wizard Poem","abstract":"A young number is lost and seeking redemption","audience":"teen, math, parents, learn, education","name":"Avoiding the Downside - A Numeracy Wizard Poem","url":"https://www.brazenjester.com","image":"https://www.brazenjester.com/images/Brazen-Jester-Studios-Logo.jpg","keywords":"Numeracy Wizard, Brazen Jester Studios, Happy thoughts, Positive"}
Avoiding the Downside – A Numeracy Wizard Poem
There once was a young number named Bob,
All he wanted to do was get a job,
Alas, No offer was coming,
His destiny had him slumming,
So very negative was this slob.
Numeracy Wizard is a Math skill-based gacha game empowering you practice your math skills.