"about":"The Secret World in the Education of Math - A Numeracy Wizard Story","abstract":"Two young professionals discuss the paths they took, and how simple the difference was.","audience":"teen, math, parents, learn, education","name":"The Secret World in the Education of Math - A Numeracy Wizard Story","url":"https://www.brazenjester.com","image":"https://www.brazenjester.com/images/Brazen-Jester-Studios-Logo.jpg","keywords":"Numeracy Wizard, Brazen Jester Studios, Happy thoughts, Positive, Math, parents, learn, education, teen"}
The Secret World in the Education of Math – A Numeracy Wizard Story
So tell me, what can one expect from building the new City Hall on the hill?
Civil Engineer:
The City Hall will have ample window space overlooking the entire town. Everyone in town will have to look up at you.
I have to admit, that has some appeal. But what can I tell the citizens. They are paying for my palace after all.
Civil Engineer:
You will have to talk to Public Relations.
Public Relations:
This will enhance communication about future plans of City development. It will empower us to avoid expensive mapping systems, and enabling the city planners to simply point to the location in town a change needs to be made.
So it is creating cost savings in the long run.
Public Relations:
Yes, that is a good idea, Sir.
I am glad I thought of it. Make it so.
Public Relations, Civil Engineer:
Yes, Sir
Bowing towards the politician. Slowly walking away…
It will be glorious, all the money we are saving by building me a palace. I love politics.
A ways away…
Public Relations:
Aren’t you happy nobody understands math today?
Civil Engineer:
Engineers understand math, that is why we get paid ridiculous salaries.
Public Relations:
I wish I practiced math.
The civil engineer walks off into the distance…
Civil Engineer:
It’s not like they tried to keep math a secret from you, when going to school.
Shaking his head.
Numeracy Wizard is a Math skill-based gacha game empowering the practice of math skills.