"about":"ROAD TO THE TRIUMPH CUP Part 2- A NUMERACY WIZARD STORY","abstract":"The story of a group of teens bent on escape from a world that wants to use them for its own means. Part 2","audience":"teen, math, parents, learn, education, adventure","name":"ROAD TO THE TRIUMPH CUP Part 2 - A NUMERACY WIZARD STORY","url":"https://www.brazenjester.com","image":"https://www.brazenjester.com/images/Brazen-Jester-Studios-Logo.jpg","keywords":"Numeracy Wizard, Brazen Jester Studios, Happy thoughts, adventure, teen, Road to the Triumph Cup"}
continued from Part 1 continue to Part 3
Gretta enters the drama room. No more than a victim of black paint and sound proofing.
Gretta drifts across the room, silently and with much attention.
Gretta approaches the back door, leading to the Schoolyard.
Gretta, he will have thought of using that foul device.
Li Jie is barracading the Drama Room entrance with a sledge hammer’s handle.
You mean, the door.
Then how do we get out.
Li Jie motions to the ceiling.
Gretta motions with her hand, leading out a finger to let him know he is number one.
I forget myself.
I fell for that trick once in fifth grade.
Li Jie standing still with a truly dumb face.
I, umm…
Yeah, new plan.
Gretta, opens the backdoor to the schoolyard.
Oh, I guess that works after all.
Your lucky your square, is very attractive.
Gretta leaves the Drama Room.
Li Jie scampers across the room, holding up his square as though it would protect him for himself.
Gretta runs across the grass towards the parking lot.
Run, he is over there. He took the long way round.
You dare insult me, the Triangle of Perfection knows no curves.
And it never will.
Li Jie uses a car autostarter, and runs towards his Lambourgini.
Gretta, to the red one.
Gretta looks at the parking lot, and sees he meant the red Lambourgini by the purring motor with pink cat ears on top.
Oh, so cute.
Gretta changes direction to run to the car.
Jung Wei hustles as fast as he can, as he whispers sweet nothings to his Triangle of Perfection.
Jung Wei runs head first into a tree. He passes out.
Gretta enters the car.
Li Jie tries to do the sexy slide across his car, but does it less gracefully than it worked in his head. Dragging his keys across the front, with a loud scrapping sound. They catch an edge. He twists and lands head first on the ground.
Li Jie gets up quickly, and acts like that was on purpose. Wiping the ground off of himself, he casually gets behind the drivers wheel. And tries to turn it on. Li Jie realizes he does not have the keys.
Li Jie gets out of the car, and scrambles to get the keys.
Gretta looks over and see the square admiring her.
I know I shouldn’t touch it, but…
Gretta fingers gently caresses the square. She blushes. Its so smooth, and flexible. Four exact sides, color of purple.
Gretta locks Li Jie’s door. Hops over to the driver’s side, and uses the keys to start the car.
Li Jie panics, as his head is under the front wheel. Jumps up and sees Gretta touching the square. Her eyes wide, and curious.
Gretta squeels the tires, and drives off.
Li Jie just stands his ground, watching the Lambourgini drive off into the distance.
Li Jie looks to the side, and sees Jung Wei watching the car drive off.
Jung Wei slowly turns his head towards Li Jie.
Jung Wei meticulously raises his hand, and like Gretta before him, gives Li Jie the signal he is number one.
To Be Continued…