"about":"ROAD TO THE TRIUMPH CUP Part 3 - A NUMERACY WIZARD STORY","abstract":"The story of a group of teens bent on escape from a world that wants to use them for its own means. Part 3","audience":"teen, math, parents, learn, education, adventure","name":"ROAD TO THE TRIUMPH CUP Part 3 - A NUMERACY WIZARD STORY","url":"https://www.brazenjester.com","image":"https://www.brazenjester.com/images/Brazen-Jester-Studios-Logo.jpg","keywords":"Numeracy Wizard, Brazen Jester Studios, Happy thoughts, adventure, teen, Road to the Triumph Cup"}
continued from Part 1
Jung Wei looks sternly at Li Jie. Jung Wei shoulders moving. Focus on eyes, and shoulders seen barely.
Li Jie returns the stern gaze. Focus on eyes.
Jung Wei moves his hands, as they smoothly fly across the Triangle of Perfection.
Triangles spining and growing larger as they approach Li Jie.
Li Jie barely dodging to the ground, as the paper narrowly spins past him, eventually hitting and cutting the car behind him in two.
Li Jie springs to action, and starts running as more and more triangles fly in his direction, growing bigger and bigger the further away he gets.
A tree falls, Li Jie narrowly missing it.
Darkness falls on Li Jie, causing him to trip. A triangle passes through the spot he just was.
Panning up to the Sun, and only seeing a triangle causing an eclipse of the sun on Li Jie’s spot.
Defenseless Li Jie, pinned to the ground, by the sheer volume of Triangles of Perfection flying overhead.
A mere glimpse in the direction of Jung Wei, shows the struggle of handling the Triangle of Perfection. Visible signs of wrists cramps, taking their toll. On his knees now, propping up the Triangle of Perfection on his knee, using two hands to continue his onslaught. Definately slowing.
It appears, you do not have the stamina needed. The weak cannot handle perfection.
Jung Wei visibily in pain, kneeling and looking in dismay towards his hands that failed him.
Seemingly in one fluid motion, Li Jie does a kick up while simultaneously taking out a piece of Origami paper, and with a flash folds it into a Perfect Square. The square seemingly floating in mid air as Li Jie spins, holding out his hand, and flicking it with his index finger towards Jung Wei.
The Perfect Square traveling at the speed of sound, jets towards Jung Wei colliding his shriveled form, encapsulating his body; and continuing into the sky with an upward arc.
HQ, One incoming. Needs medical attention. Over extended his Ki.
Roger. Do you need damage control?
Yes, Triangles of Perfection. Very large, and they are slowing drawing a crowd.
Pedestrians are slowly gathering to see the damage, that has undertaken the School Yard and surrounding area.
Captain will not be impressed.
I am not impressed. Setup a tracker for Gretta, she has taken the Lambourgini and the Square of Perfection.
The Square is in rogue hands?
Consider her armed and dangerous. Her mind has been corrupted.
Status report.
Li Jie has lost the target. Damage Control enroute.
That is unfortunate.
One prisoner in transit. Needs medical attention, Ki depletion.
There was a specialist on site? Our scouts did not report one.
No, it was a rogue Grade Two, that could overpower to Grade Three.
Ah, explains the Ki depletion. Very good keep me informed. Make Li Jie go through full decontamination, use only cold water.
But that is not protocol.
No, but it is failure.
To Be Continued…
continue to Part 4
Numeracy Wizard is a Math skill-based gacha game empowering the practice of math skills, and winning in life.
Also available from: Aptoide