Bug on the Wall – #ReelPeachFilmFestival – Filmography
We are excited to announce our latest film festival entry “Bug on the Wall” to the Penticton Reel Pech Film Festival. Filmed in Prince George, BC, this animated wonder needed to be 1-3 minutes long, and we hit it out of the park :).
Decisions of the Past #Telus #Storyhive #Documentary #AllAccessDocumentary
Hello Storyhivers, This is our pitch for the All Access Documentary Edition in the 2022 #Telus #Storyhive Contest. I hope you enjoy, Decisions of the Past.
Spicy Minds #Telus #Storyhive #Pitch #Voices2.0
Hello Storyhivers, This is Brazen Jester Studios latest pitch for Voices 2.0 with Telus Storyhive. I hope you enjoy. Spicy Minds
Being Canadian – Pitch Video
A female alien, infatuated with Canada, ventures forth with her four human friends to discover Canada’s rich history.
Fruit: Opinions of the Crowd
The votes are in. Judgement is due June 23rd. Excitingly waiting for the result. Thank you all for your support, keep tuned for what will happen in the future. Fruit Opinions of the Crowd
Fruit: Opinions of the Crowd is Live!!!
Hello Everyone, We need your clicks. There is a funding opportunity for Documentary filming in Canada, and it is decided by popularity. We need your help. Firstly, Google Storyhive, and realize it is not an evil link. Then, vote for us. Link is below. Fruit Opinions of the Crowd Brazen Jester Studios Inc. is making…
Fruit: Opinions of the Crowd
Brazen Jester Studios is proud to introduce this years documentary submission: Fruit: Opinion of the Crowd, our story of teenage motivation as told through fruit preferences and the basic driver of life, Hunger.