Revenge of the Fly – A Numeracy Wizard Story
Revenge of the Fly – A Numeracy Wizard Story Smack!!! Jessie’s flyswatter comes down hard on the wall next to his father. Dad: Jessie, can you do that somewhere else? Jessie: I have to be in the same place as the fly to get it. Dad: You have been at it for 15 minutes. It…
사랑, 평화 및 실천 – A Numeracy Wizard Story
사랑, 평화 및 실천 – A Numeracy Wizard Story 그렇습니다. 준비가되었다고 생각하십니까? 공학 시험은 오늘 운동을 했습니까? 예, 나는 매일 Numeracy Wizard를 사용하지 않았습니다. 덧셈, 뺄셈 및 곱셈으로 연습했습니다. 듣지 못했습니다. 나누기를 언급했습니다. 그러나 너무 힘들어, 나는 분열이 싫어. 나눗셈은 곱셈을 반대로하고 있습니다. 하나를 할 수 있다면 다른 것을 할 수 있습니다. 나는 나의 매일…
Love, Peace, and Practice – A Numeracy Wizard Story
Love, Peace, and Practice – A Numeracy Wizard Story Jungkook, Jungkook! Come down for breakfast. It’s a big day. Yes, coming Tutor. Do you think you are a ready? The engineering exam is today, did you do your exercises? Yes, I did not daily Numeracy Wizard already. I practiced by addition, subtraction, and multiplication. I…
Mixer – Streaming
Brazen Jester Studios – A Canadian Video Game Company Brazen Jester Studios on @Mixer We love to game. So we made a few games ourselves. Be excellent to each other.